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Life balance and how to get it…

Life balance is something that we all strive for and if you are feeling like you are overwhelmed in one area or more of your life then here are some easy ways to create balance throughout the different areas of life such as relationships, career & health.

Here is how you can easily & effectively optimize your time so that you can really live life to the full. When you consistently take action on the following areas of life you can move to the next level & achieve extraordinary results & live the life you REALLY want!

 1) Look After Yourself First – Like the old saying goes-you have to put your own life jacket on first to be able to help others!
This simply means – Exercise regularly & eat healthily. This can mean something as easy as walking for 10 minutes a day or playing ball with the kids in the garden regularly & eating everything you like, but in moderation.  If you look after yourself, you’ll be full of energy, be motivated, more productive, fulfilled & happier. 

2) Surround Yourself with Positivity – Surround yourself with positive people, read motivational-self development  books, listen to motivational-self development MP3’s/CDs while driving, commuting, waiting for appointments, walking, exercising & any other opportunities you can create. Watch comedies and feel good movies! Listen to upbeat movies, Do a good deed for someone. Distance yourself from negatively thinking people, they will drain your energy & rain on your parade.  

3) Clean out the Clutter – Have a clear out – not only will it make you feel better emotionally & physically but It may even save you money, as who knows what hidden treasures you’ll find to either use or sell. Recycle what you can-this adds to your feelings of self worth and contribution. Clearing out your work & home environments regularly mean you’ll be happier as you are using your resources & channeling your thoughts to the future. 

4) Jazz Up Your Environment If you work and live in a pleasant environment, you’ll naturally feel better and happier. A clean, uncluttered home or workplace makes you feel good and happy to be there.

5) Dress for Success When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good you are happier. Have an image makeover of some sort, even if that means just wearing your parting on the other side, wearing a different shade of lipstick or a colour you haven’t worn before or maybe wearing a skirt if you only normally wear trousers – it doesn’t have to be an instant dramatic change-just make a change toward the ‘new’ you. 

6) Plan Time for Fun!
Make the most of your time-as ‘time waits for no man’ – wise words! Get yourself organized, write your goals, tasks, meetings, appointments, social events in a daily diary or organizer, use the calendar/scheduler function on your mobile phone or computer and plan your days, weeks effectively. This allows you to make time for yourself – have 1-2 hours a week just for you –make YOU time…This simple action will mean that you can create life/time balance & enjoy all areas of your life.

7) Learn to say “No”
Warning-If you constantly say “yes” to everyone else’s requests you will never have life balance!  To dramatically improve your productivity & to allow you to do more of the things that you want to do & have in your life, you have to be firm with others and let them know if you cannot, will not or are unavailable to fulfill their requests. If you feel or think that you would benefit from working on building your self-assertiveness then call me to book a session.

8) Do What You Do Best and Delegate the Rest
At work or home it would be really beneficial to your positive mindset to see if there are ways you can delegate tasks you dislike or are not talented at, that would much easier suited to someone else’s talents. Many office & home workers are spending too much time on secretarial/administrative or other tasks that would take a trained person a quarter of the time to undertake & complete (probably not only much quicker but to a better standard too!). At home you could hire a gardener, a cook, a cleaner or a shopper to take care of the basic household chores. There are some very reasonably priced local resources around now, research what would aid & assist you the most and make some enquiries to find the person most suited to your needs. It’s well worth investing the money if you can have more free time to do what you want to. If money is a challenge, see if you can do a skills swap with local trade’s people instead of paying them-find a win-win situation to benefit you both.

9) Compliment Someone Every Day – Just take a moment to think about how do you feel when you receive a compliment? Make a habit of making someone’s day…give before you get because what goes around, comes around…..Pay it forward!

 When life balance is created, carry on actioning these simple, effective steps – to continue to feel good, look good & have more time to really enjoy your life……….

 All the Best!


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