Unsurprisingly the question I hear the most is “What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?!” sure there are many definitions out there, from Richard Bandler’s “(NLP is) How we use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes” reinforced by Sue Knights “(NLP is) “The study of what works in thinking, language and behavior. It is a way of coding and reproducing excellence that enables you to consistently achieve the results that you want both for yourself, for your business and for your life” to the Oxford English Dictionaries: “NLP provides a model of interpersonal communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them” and “NLP is a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behaviour” But the person asking me the question will usually shut off after a couple of seconds if I start one of these explanation as all they want is some cute 5 word sentence detailing exactly what NLP is.
So it comes as no surprise that someone has actually done such a feat! Stating that NLP is an “Owner’s manual for the brain” or NLP “Teaches people to control their thoughts and behaviour.” And all credit to them. But to me NLP will always be an established set of principles for teaching, learning and personal development that provide you with a variety of strategies for maximising both your professional performance and business/career potential.
If I am speaking to someone who is adverse to psychology, neurology or new techniques in general! Then regardless of the explanation I provide, they will instantly follow up with a question or statement like “Well those are just words”, “that doesn’t say what NLP does” or “How does NLP do that?” and/or “Where is the proof that NLP works?”
The problem with NLP though, like all other subjects, is the simple explanation will never really sum up or wanton of a better word; explain what NLP is… it will only ever be a teaser. Take Mathematics for example, well Maths is just learning how to Add up, Multiply and takeaway, for those of you wanting the proper definition of Mathematics it is the branch of science concerned with number, quantity, and space, either as abstract ideas (pure mathematics) or as applied to physics, engineering, and other subjects (applied mathematics) (Oxford Dictionary). My explanation or Oxford’s your still none the wiser as to what Mathematics is, what it entails and what it enables us to do. It is only when you start to learn Maths that you start to realise that there are a whole range of techniques; Probability, Algorithm’s, Differentiation… to name but a few, that are to be used in entirely separate occasions to fulfil a specific requirement.
But we do not show NLP the same courtesy. Maybe NLP deserves it? After all its title is Neuro Linguistic programming?! NLP is further disadvantaged by the confusing names it titles its modules; Linguistic Presuppositions, Submodalities, Perceptual Positions… but let me ask you this, what did you think of “Algebra” when you first heard about it?
Donna Blinston
Certified NLP Trainer
Arthor of the forthcoming book-
Psychobbable: A straight forward, plain English guild to the benefits of NLP
Dolgellau, Mid Wales
Author: Donna Blinston
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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