Do you have difficulty getting motivated? Do you put things off?
Is your motto ‘Why do it today, if I can leave it until tomorrow’?
Is putting things off in your life impacting on your self worth and well being? Do you feel exhausted and downhearted by your lack of progression? Do you feel stuck in a rut?
If any of the above are true for you then just follow these easy tips below to motivate you into action & make things happen!
Firstly, write down on a piece of paper or in a diary/notebook, what 3 things you urgently need to get done? (You can start with small or larger tasks)
E.G : 1) Eat more healthily
2) Consolidate my debts
3) Springclean my house
Next, for each of those things above, just ask yourself the following questions and write down the answers on your paper or in your diary/notebook.
- What would happen if I did (get it done-achieve this)?
- What would happen if I didn’t?
- What wouldn’t happen if I did?
- What wouldn’t happen if I didn’t?
E.G: using 1) Eat more healthily
- I would be slimmer and feel better about myself
- I would carry on feeling sluggish, heavy and disappointed with myself
- I wouldn’t worry about health issues in my future
- I wouldn’t feel really happy and healthy in life.
Now, experiment with putting each of the following sentence starters before each task on your 1-3 list. Notice how each one makes you feel and whether it inspires you into taking positive action.
- I have to………………..
- I should………………….
- I want to………………..
- In this moment I choose……..
Here’s an example of 1) Eat more healthily
- I have to eat more healthily (True, but instantly makes me want to rebel & stuff my face with rubbish!)
- I should eat more healthily (Still true, but I want to rebel even more now!)
- I want to eat more healthily (Yes ok this is true too, but it doesn’t really make me want to do it!)
- In this moment, I choose to eat more healthily and if I feel like treating myself at a later time then I will (This encourages me to eat healthily as I can have a small treat later if I choose to and I feel like I control the situation)
Have a go and see how these simple questions change your thinking because once you change your thinking, you can easily change your actions and results!
Remember – Control your mind, Control your Mood!
Motivate yourself into action and feel better in life.