How to make your blogs more Profible and Impactful
Blogging about your niche or interest, however passionate and absorbed you are with the subject, does not make a profitable cash flowing business. (worst-luck!)
However, Blogging is a way that can help not only spread your word, create brand awareness and cement expertise. You can use it easily and time effectively to connect and interact with your ideal customers.
To make your Blog more valuable to your followers/customers, here are some key questions you may want to ask yourself:
- How can I take my blog from “just a blog” to a blog that attracts followers and interest and that then those followers may become clients or referral partners?
- What do I know about my blog’s main topic? How can I showcase in my authentic way and exhibit my expertise about this topic?
- Why are people reading my blog? What do they want? (Is it entertainment, education, a particular solution to their problem)?
- How can I give my clients what they want with the knowledge and information that I have.
What could be missing right now, from your online success?
For me, it is my database or email list. I have a relatively-average email list. (depending on your perception of a big email list obviously) One of my goals is however to increase the number of people on my email list/Database and to help them resolve something that I have experience with.
My database of clients is made up of people who want what I may have specifically to offer them.
When looking at this from a provider viewpoint, this means what do you have specifically to offer? What pain do you heal? What draws your new clients to be interested in what you have to offer long-term? What exactly does your clientele need? work, services, expertise, products-wise! ?
I advise ask this question again and again- until you get the answer you want or (that’s the correct/truthful one) – that helps you to serve you customer better!
What can we offer that’s valuable for free, but that will be valued?
The now called “blogosphere” has evolved and people (ones in the know that is!) are no longer willing to give up their email addresses just because they have been asked. The new way that you can now gain those potential clients details is that you offer you’re about to get those email addresses is if you have something to give that people want and see value in.
Create a list of five values working with your client to align their true values with their goal and then work out their plan to get there!
For instance, if they said that they want to be a rich property investor within 3 years and then there is no wealth or money within their top 3 values then I would suggest that without relevance assistance that that dream is not going to become true.
Now, I know what I’m doing – but do you? Before you stop reading me jabbering please answer the following questions and create your own rough plan of your life/business plan:
- Do you have an email list?
- Do you necessarily need to grow your email list? If so, how exactly will you do that? How many guest posts? Start writing down guest post ideas.
- What kind of service or product do you want to offer? What would you be excited to provide people with?
- Survey your growing email list.
- Can you come up with a service, membership site, or ebook that you have experience with?
- What are you doing to impact your online brand your social media?
Write down your answers. Get really specific. (I know its challenging if you’re a big picture person but please persevere, work with the end back to now. After you write down your answers, it’s really beneficial to create and stick then with your agreed plan.
Remember, if you want to earn an income from your Niched blogs, you must treat it like a business and have some sort of business plan and funneled direction to make the exact impact/difference that you want to make.
If you after doing these suggestions would like some more assistance on making everything (i.e life, work) easier – Please get in touch! J