‘Hypnosis Could save the NHS Millions’
Hypnosis treatments could be used on a range of medical conditions, according to a group of medical experts reported by The Belfast Telegraph
The Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine Section of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) believe the therapies help relieve pain and stress.
But it warned that patients need to be protected from rogue practitioners who cause harm and end up costing the NHS more. (This in my opinion is easily rectified by the NHS only using recognised Hypnotherapists that are registered with national governing bodies like CNHC, APHP & NCH)
Jacky Owens, the president of the RSM’s Hypnosis Section, said: “Conditions such as depression, pain and irritable bowel syndrome affect millions of people in the UK and at great cost to the NHS. But hypnosis can often work where other treatments have been unsuccessful.”(Stress based health condition benefit greatly from hypnosis sessions as once the underlying stress and physical stress responses are eradicated or reduced via hypnosis, their condition’s symptoms lessen or go completely)
Ms Owens, a qualified nurse who uses hypnosis in her work with cancer patients, added: “If doctors were able to refer patients to properly trained hypnotherapists, it would save a cash-strapped NHS a great deal of money.”
She said making hypnosis a standard part of the “NHS toolbox” would lead to the public becoming better informed about the procedure and mean that vulnerable patients would be less likely to turn to “hypno-cowboys”. (I.e. Non-registered with a UK recognised governing body)
Ms Owens added: “We’re confident that with more research, hypnosis will be recognised as an extremely useful tool to be used alongside mainstream medicine. What we need are doctors, dentists, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, radiotherapists – the whole gamut of people who treat patients – trained in using hypnosis as another tool in their treatment programme.” (Not sure I agree with this bit, just because you’re a doctor doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be a good hypnotherapist-leave the hypnosis to the hypnotherapists-to be able to teach patients relaxation and breathing techniques though would definately be a good add-on to their already many skills)
A Department of Health spokesman said: “We believe in patients being able to make informed choices about their treatment and in clinicians having the freedom to prescribe the treatment they feel most appropriate for that patient after discussing the risks and benefits.”
“They should always consider the availability of a suitably qualified practitioner as part of this process.”
“Our plans to modernise the NHS will give clinicians more freedom to commission the services that best meet their patients’ needs.” (Choice is always beneficial in any circustances)
(In my opinion, the mindset of the patient is imperative to their aid their recovery, the only side effects that hypnosis may have, is that you create a happier and healthier lifestyle. By being able to turn any stress into positive stress which in turn can be channeled and used to create future wellbeing J )
Also the effects of hypnosis – the physical and mental changes, will last alot longer than a bottle of pills!
What do you think?
Loran Northey