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There are average performing businesses and there are very successful businesses.

There are average performing employees and there are top performing employees.

So if you have a business that is doing ok but fairly average, what can you do to make your business better, more dynamic and show much better results and profit?

The answer…

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro refers to the brain and mind and the five senses that feed the mind.

Linguistic refers to verbal and non-verbal communication.

Programming refers to the way we can program our brain to improve the way the mind converts the signals coming to it through communication.

The mind will identify and act on a signal based on our prior experience and they may not always be the best experiences, but we can re-program our brains to act on signals based on new information.

Everybody reacts to things differently and this is because we all have different past experiences. For example: when I see blood I faint. I hate it, I hate the feeling when it happens, but I can’t control it. Every time that I see blood my brain reacts and I faint. Yet my husband is the opposite, he can look at blood and watch cuts getting stitched up and it doesn’t bother him one bit. So why does my brain and his brain react differently to the same situation? This is because our brains have been trained differently because we have had different life experiences.

NLP was developed after observation of people that had a similar education, training and years of experience and yet they were achieving a large range of varying results. Some excelled in the field while others were average and others still performed poorly.

The wanted to know what the secret to the top performers was. Why were they performing at such outstanding levels compared to their colleagues?

NLP techniques were used to model human excellence, to duplicate the behaviour of outstanding performers and teach average performers how to become top performers. It was discovered that the brain can learn the healthy patterns and behaviours and that this would bring about positive physical and emotional effects.

So it came about that Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed and has since come a long way. There are many top organisations around the world that have had amazing results with their business by using the NLP techniques. So if you have a business and want to improve the results you are seeing, learn the NLP techniques and once you have you will have these skills for ever.

This article was written by Shezz P who has successfully changed her life using self taught NLP techniques.

You too can change your life and create personal and professional success by using NLP techniques learned through the The NLP Toolbox! []

Author: Shezz P
Article Source:
Low-volume PCB maker

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