A great daily diet that can make you not only slimmer but livelier too!
To give you some healthy eating motivation, below are some meals that will make up a great daily healthy eating plan.
Choose a breakfast, lunch and dinner from our suggestions and you’ll be feeling slimmer and healthier in no time.
Breakfast is a very important meal. Never skip breakfast! If you can, take time out to really enjoy it – it’s a great way to start the day. If you need an incentive to get out of bed that bit earlier, remember that people who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who don’t. Investing some time for breakfast in the morning will kick-start your metabolism and stop you snacking mid-morning. Set some time aside – most of the ideas below will only take about ten minutes to prepare, so they’re easy to do.
Before anything, hot lemon and water to start the day and your metabolism!
Hot or cold fruit, perhaps with low-fat yoghurt
Porridge with or without stewed fruit (for example, apple and raisin or rhubarb) Scrambled eggs with chopped tomato and basil
Boiled egg and slice wholemeal toast
Fruit smoothies, herbal or fruit tea.
Mid AM – Fruit snack
Lunch can be the hardest meal to get right. Often we can end up grabbing something on the go and not taking the time to really savour it. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction later in the day, when you inevitably find yourself reaching for a something sugary or starchy. Please do make the time for lunch, take at least 20 minutes to yourself in a quiet place to really unwind. Have some veg or salad plus some protein… A good tip is to mix hot and cold foods for a more satisfying meal, ie. Mixed salad followed by tomato and basil soup.
Vegetable and lentil soup and a bunch of grapes
Tuna with salad
Salmon or prawns with salad
Avocado, chicken and tomato salad
Rice, pasta or couscous salad
Mid PM – Apple or carrot sticks
This is usually the main meal of the day, but not for everyone. Some people prefer their main meal at lunch time and there’s no rule to say you cant. Aim for something starchy with some protein and vegetables or salad.
Perhaps if you like hot food you could try a Chickpea curry with or without yoghurt and cucumber raita.
Or alternatively have a taste of these:
Quinoa with fresh tomatoes, sugar snap peas and spinach
Roast chicken with broccoli and sweet potato mash
Grilled sardines with ratatouille and brown rice
Seafood stir-fry with Tamari soy sauce
Yes, it’s not off the menu! Eating healthily does not mean that you have to kiss goodbye to all sweet stuff. You just need to be mindful and sensible in what you choose to at for dessert.
Here are some ideas for healthy desserts …
Grilled bananas
Sugar Free Jelly with half-fat crème fraîche
Fruit sorbet / Fruit salad
Keep hydrated throughout the day
Ideally you should be drinking around 1 ½ litres or eight glasses of water a day. It’s preferential to drink fruit teas although you can drink caffeine free tea or coffee but keep them to a minimum.
All the meals are easy to shop for and prepare and cook – so have a go and let us know how you get on !
If you’ve got some great tips or menu’s then we’d be really interested to hear them.