Hypnosis and NLP are often mentioned together if you pay attention. This has the effect of causing a bit of confusion leading some to the idea that they are somehow different names for the same thing. This is a mistake, because they are not only different in name, but the concepts are not identical either, even though they do share certain similarities. In this article, I’ll outline some of the distinctions between the two and how both can be used to improve your life and the lives of others.
To begin, NLP is an abbreviation for neuro linguistic programming. It describes the core dynamics between mind and language and how their relationship effects our body and behavior. So by using certain language patterns and words, you can actually have a real, tangible impact on human behavior. It gives you a specific set of strategies to unconsciously assimilate the differences that make the difference between a genius and the average performer in the same area. It allows you to explore excellence in human behavior, not just average performance. It is very commonly used in the self help industry, and elite level athletes use its strategies in order to get in top mental shape when they perform. One notable example is legendary American tennis player Andre Agassi, who hired famed self help guru Anthony Robbins to help him get passed certain roadblocks he was facing in his tennis career and get back to top playing form. Other high powered celebrities and professionals use NLP training as well to better their performance.
Hypnosis, on the other hand, is a trance-state characterized by focused attention, and very heightened suggestibility. While they are not identical, they are closely related in that both hypnosis and NLP are used to help people reach their full potential in an area, whether in athletics, business, or in your personal life. In neurolinguistic programming, this is done through modeling the appropriate behavior, and in hypnosis this is done through hypnotic suggestions. However, hypnosis has the additional benefit of being a common method used to treat people for various psychological problems such as phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder, whereas NLP isn’t used usually in a traditional clinical setting. Nevertheless, there are neuro linguistic programming practitioners who have been able to achieve remarkable psychological feats such as getting rid of a phobia a person has in literally minutes.
So while there are difference between hypnotizing and neurolinguistic programming, clearly there is an overlap. And the place where they overlap is where they can be used together for the maximum benefit. If someone is interested in achieving peak performance, get rid of a phobia, or some other particular benefit, putting someone in a hypnotic trance where a person is in a heightened state of suggestibility where words can go straight to a person’s subconscious for maximum impact, in conjunction with the strategies of NLP can quickly help a person conquer any mental based blocks that they have. Actually, the understanding of the close relationship between hypnosis and NLP stems from work done by Milton Erickson, considered by many to be the greatest hypnotist of all time, who discovered that language was a vital element in hypnotherapy.
If you want to know how to use hypnosis and NLP, discover the secrets of rebel psychologist Milton Erickson enabling you to put someone in a covert hypnotic trance in seconds, without them even realizing it. Visit http://www.hypnosismysteries.com today!
Author: Adam Ajmal
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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