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Neuro-Linguitstic Programming, NLP, is based on models, mathematically calculated and formulated. It is NOT scientific, as it defies science and statistics. NLP is sometimes described as an empirical epistemology. That is, it is a way of knowing whose evidence is experiment and observation, rather than results derived from some overall theory. NLP is big on metaphors and I doubt whether this nasty lawsuit is the kind of metaphor they want to be remembered by. Is Bandler’s action of putting a trademark on half a dozen expressions a sign of a man who is simply protecting the integrity of NLP or is it a sign of a greedy megalomaniac?

NLP is simply becoming more aware of how our minds work and then using that information to modify the ways in which we respond to people and situations. NLP is a process that expands the recognition capabilities of an interactive voice response system. Rather than being limited to directed prompts that instruct users on what to say and how to respond (such as say yes or no), a user can respond to a prompt with thousands of natural speech replies, from one-word responses to full sentences. NLP is the science of understanding how to control and direct how we think, feel and behave in any given circumstance .

It is much more than simply getting results. NLP is not so concerned with why something is not working, but more with how you internalize. Once you learn how you do certain things, patterns can be changed easily and quickly. NLP is all about experiencing the change and not just reading about it. NLP training courses exist to help the inexperienced user learn the system. Many NLP books are also written on the subject.

The best use of NLP is to see HOW a person processes information and then to determine if they are lying, as in an interview with police detectives. To use NLP against someone, you first have to interview them one-on-one then use the techniques. NLP is a very pragmatic technology based on an ability to produce your desired results, thus allowing you to become proficient at creating your future! In the end, Neuro Linguistic Programming training is not a lot different from understanding how to program a computer — your own bio-computer. NLP is often considered a technology? In essence, it aims to give practitioners a set of tools through which they can live richer, fuller lives, drawing on observed behaviors from others to deduce what these tools might be.

NLP is an enabling tool of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), which is an aspect of multiple intelligence theory . Neuro-Linguistic Programming can also be very helpful for stress management and developing self-belief and assertiveness and confidence . NLP is all about producing results and often very quickly. If NLP has an attitude then that attitude is all about producing measurable results that enhance the quality of peoples lives without a lengthy and painful journey into the past. NLP is a way of enriching the choices that you have and perceive as available in the world around you. Excellence comes from having many choices.

It is not *just* hypnosis. Milton Erickson was a strong influence on NLP’s founders, but NLP includes aspects of many other disciplines as well. NLP is the science of studying patterns of excellence in the world’s most successful people – identifying the processes that produced such amazing results – and then “re-programming” the software of the human mind to replicate these successes. Without NLP, your coaching effectiveness will be limited by what our society believes is possible. NLP is a process (not content) model. I have seen books marketed as NLP texts that contain content rituals under the guise of NLP techniques.

NLP is often used as a vehicle for ‘fast’ or accelerated change. One of its underlying assumptions is that without NLP people can change and that over time these changes can be profound. NLP is easy for anyone who wants to learn, has a desire to change and is motivated to achieve their potential. NLP allows you to access all the energy, strength and resources you have comfortably and use them to achieve what you want from life. NLP is unique in the field of models of human functioning and we may say that everything it offers is personal development. It shows us how to trigger dormant resources.

I have been interested in the possibilities of Neruo-Linguistic Programming and have learned so much from professional instruction. I can apply the techniques I have learned into real life situations. I found an amazing resource that you can can use to improve your life situation here at NLP Training Courses.

Author: Gregg Osbourn
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